A Rainbow Kind of Day......

Amazing! One glance at the sky and I could not stop looking.  The rainbow that greeted me yesterday morning was high, and wide and situated just perfectly for my viewing.    I paused and took the moment to reflect on the beauty before me.  This time of the day I do not typically see a rainbow.  Right or wrong, they seem to me to be an afternoon occurrence. 

What could the rainbow mean?  Why today?  Why right now? The light rain that fell on me was refreshing and matched my thoughts.  This is going to be a rainbow type of day!  I smiled. 

I believe we are all able to put good intentions out there and make the kind of days we want.  Attitude matters as does our intention. 

Smiling, I thanked the universe for the reminder and carried on for my drive through the beautiful roads of Vermont to work. I never saw the rainbow again on my drive.  The smile never left my lips or heart. Rainbows represent so many things to so many people.  There is the LGBTQ movement.  There is the Irish mythology of the pot of gold at the end.  There is the Judy Garland song.  All of them are of hope and possibility.  All of them speak of beauty, of something special.

A couple of hours later, one of my dear clients came in to my office for our meeting.  She had a white paper gift bag that she dropped ceremoniously on my desk. 

“For you,” Patricia says, “I had it made by friend of mine especially.”

Imagine my smile when I opened the bag to a rainbow, a rainbow of peace signs.  I was and am still amazed.  I told her my story of intending to make it a rainbow kind of day.  Her gift radiated beauty of the giver, the purse and the peaceful intention.  I will be telling the story many more times.  I cannot wait to use my new bag!

What is your intention for the day?   Make it a Rainbow Kind of Day!