Get More Green with MoneyPeace

Anyone out there remember S&H Green Stamps?  

S&H Green stamps  were issued at grocery stores, department stores or gas stations. Then you would collect them in a book. And once you had certain number of pages you could turn them in for a “free gift.”  (Sounds a lot like the reward credit cards today.   Right?)  Yes, they were popular in the Sixties and Seventies to the point that the company issued more stamps than the post office!

The catalogue was a glossy tome of all sorts of goodies – mostly household treats and small appliances.  My Mom got me interested as I was task oriented and trained by her to be motivated to get something for free. One time she told me I could save the stamps for something I wanted.  I remember the joy of collecting those stamps, cautiously sticking them to the pages.  I loved the idea of a prize at the end.  I cannot remember the prize I got but the process of organizing and planning grabbed my attention as a system with an outcome.

Today, the MoneyPeace philosophy is much like the Green stamp principal.  MoneyPeace is built on first saving.  Saving money, a bit at a time and with a system for that money to be held in with a personalized goal.  With the system in place, the path to the goal is clearly laid out. And like S&H Green Stamps, you can set many goals. 

Getting there may not be half the fun for everyone, but most people who have adapted the MoneyPeace approach have been preaching and teaching it themselves to others.  They recognize they are indeed more peaceful as they have stabilized their finances, accomplished their goals and feel more financially flexible than they ever have in their life.  They have the flexibility to adapt to the ups and downs of life without losing their balance.

Many people were never taught to manage their money.  Financial “gurus” teach their way as the best and only way.  With a MoneyPeace system, we start with the basics and then, personalize the system so you get what you want.  This takes you beyond getting out of debt, saving for retirement or buying a home to a  financial life for the long-term.  When you know where your money comes from and where it goes, you can appreciate your personal cash flow and more importantly, adapted as needed.  Making conscious choices for the future is building a wise financial plan to sustain you and keep you in the green.

So if you liked S&H Green stamps, collecting bonus points or just need a financial boost, learn more about MoneyPeace through our videos, sign up for the newsletter and prepare yourself for a more peaceful life. 

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