Health Is the Most Important Wealth

After struggling through the pandemic for a year, who would disagree that health is more important than wealth? And who would not feel compelled to say that those two are intricately related? However, no matter how much money you have or how much time, there are simple steps to improve your health that are free. Caring about your health is a first step in improving it.

So where to start focusing on building a healthy life? First, consider your whole person when it comes to health – not just your physical health. There are apps to help you learn to mediate, spiritual readings and groups, and mental health resources we all have access to for free. Sitting for five minutes a day in meditation or gratitude is one way to support your whole being. I certainly agree that it is not easy to pick up this habit, simple as it sounds. The first time I sat to just to meditate, I lasted two minutes. The inner quiet and solitude was difficult to experience for the first time.

Second, consider a habit you do today that could change for the better just by switching something out. They can range from using one teaspoon of sugar instead of two in your coffee, switching to a seltzer after one alcoholic drink or drinking water instead of soda. Each of those save you calories and are better for your long-term health. Being in the sunshine, going for a walk or talking to a friend are also healthy tasks. So, starting something new need not be overwhelming or expensive.

Too often we think we need to jump on board the health wagon and change everything at once. Typically, people stick to behavior changes by doing one thing at a time. Small steps matter. I know you have heard that before as I write on that about finances as well.

If you begin to think about changing a health step as a way to contribute to your overall wealth, it may be easier to accept change. Building toward our wealth and health starts with caring and moves into taking a step – literally and figuratively – today. Just one choice can make a big difference. Once you feel better about yourself, future steps are easier to build on.

Be Wealthy with your Health – Build some today!