Slow Cooked Food is Extra Special

Food is good.  Basic healthy food.  Nothing fancy.  Nothing expensive.

With all the trends and foodies around, we can get lost in expensive ingredients and complicated recipes.

The goodness is in the way you cook and how you prepare your food.  My grandmother was a fabulous cook.  With Nanie, the main ingredient was always her loving care.  And the slow simmering of what was a poor cut or end of meat transformed into a melt in your mouth delicacy by dinner time.  And leftovers were her specialty.  Only at her home did I relish having leftovers as she turned her hand to create a special meal when turning it over in her magic fry pan.

Time and thoughtfulness can transform food.  Think about the using the basic ingredients and creating something that tastes good because you took time and focus to shop, chop and show love.  That flavor makes a huge difference. 

Apply this to money.  Because slowly acquiring, saving and investing is really the secret to success when it comes to money taking care of us.  Slow money is the equal to savory slow cooking. 

Try this approach sometime when your goals seem out of reach.  Start saving change.  Stop spending a dollar a day.  Or pick up the generic product.  See over time what that does to your pocketbook.   And then your savings.

You certainly can take the approach on both financial savings and an extra special meal:  Buy the lower quality cut of meat but let it simmer all day. 


