Take an Extra Moment and Get Unexpected Benefits

Yesterday in the midst of travelling home after a lovely weekend with friends. I stopped to grocery shop at a Market Basket just off the highway. I do that because the pause breaks up the long drive but most importantly, it’s a great place to shop. – Great prices and lovely employees. (I never mind giving a plug to a business I admire.)

This was a quick shop as I was trying to get home before the early darkness of the time change. One thing on my mental and empty stomach list, was an already cooked chicken. They do a great job and I knew I was not up to cooking when I arrived home. And I am always up for eating!

I was disappointed to wheel my shopping cart by the warming spot and find no chickens – only cooked chicken legs – not nearly enough to feed my husband and myself. I did the rest of my shopping and swung back by the deli area to find still no chicken! My dinner plans will have to change. I paused in thought and considered asking the busy deli men behind the counter if there were more chickens anywhere. I decided to just skip it and head to check out.

When I turned around, I found another woman looking forlornly at the empty warming shelf. She said, “No more chicken? How disappointing!” I smiled, looked at her and said, “My thoughts exactly. I was just thinking of asking them if more were coming out. Would you like me to do that?”

“Oh, that would be great!” she said with a big friendly smile. The harried man behind the counter told me more were coming. Still considering the mountain roads ahead, I asked how soon – “They are just taking them out of the oven,” responding as if he had answered this question twenty times already. I can wait I thought. And I responded to the lovely lady that they were on their way.

The small dog in the child’s seat in basket was a perfect conversation starter. The red plaid flannel was covered with security dog. I asked about the animal. Another women approached and asked if she could pat the dog. “This is not my dog, it is my husbands. He is away. “ She started to educate us. “The dog is because he is deaf and assists him in hearing everything from the phone to the doorbell or alerting him to safety issues.”

I had never heard of a hearing dog and had many questions. It was fascinating! The dog could even tell when his migraines were coming on. She spoke of other dogs that helped with diabetes and epilepsy as well as other ailments. We marveled at the miracle of animals natural senses. They are so attuned and aligned with nature. Our conversation meandered from there about Maine – where I had just come from and where her husband was hunting, to maple sugaring because “Sugar” was the canine’s name to just smiles of understanding of the woods and beauty of nature.

Linked by chicken, we could have stood there all evening. After everyone else had wandered away and we had introduced ourselves, I started to think I would not be having any chicken for dinner. I told her I may need to give up and she said she would do her shopping and circle back. “But wait a minute, “She paused, “I’ll ask this time.”

My co-conspirator in chicken snatching, Dawn, was assured they were just labelling the chickens and our conversation continued. She was glad she was not going to have to cook something as now she had more time to read! So we were off on the pleasures of a good book… We could smell the chickens before they appeared. Our wait was so worth it. The young man informed us they could not keep these on the shelf. He was only carrying six.

I was so glad I waited. My heart was smiling as I parted from my new fleeting friend and headed to the checkout. I got my chicken – hot and fresh from the oven. But I got so much more from that moment. A wonderful connection. Education on hearing service dogs. And a recommendation for a great read for an upcoming flight! Take an Extra Moment this week. One never knows what goodness and smiles will come from the pause in your busy life.